讀經分享使徒行傳二章1-12節( Acts 2 :1-12 )

1 五旬節到了,門徒都聚集在一處。
2 忽然從天上有響聲下來,好像一陣大風吹過,充滿了他們所坐的屋子。
3 又有舌頭如火焰顯現出來,分開落在他們各人頭上。
4 他們就都被聖靈充滿,按著聖靈所賜的口才,說起別國的話來。
5 那時,有虔誠的猶太人,從天下各國來,住在耶路撒冷。
6 這聲音一響,眾人都來聚集,各人聽見門徒用眾人的鄉談說話,就甚納悶;
7 都驚訝希奇說:看哪,這說話的不都是加利利人嗎?
8 我們各人,怎麼聽見他們說我們生來所用的鄉談呢?
9 我們帕提亞人,瑪代人,以攔人,和住在米所波大米,猶太,加帕多家,本都,亞西亞,
10 弗呂家,旁非利亞,埃及的人,並靠近古利奈的呂彼亞一帶地方的人,從羅馬來的客旅中,或是猶太人,或是進猶太教的人,
11 革哩底和亞拉伯人,都聽見他們用我們的鄉談,講說神的大作為。
12 眾人就都驚訝猜疑,彼此說:這是甚麼意思呢?
Acts 2:1-12
When the Holy Spirit came, the early church was blessed to preach the gospel.  Unlike them, we live a life totally independent of the Spirit and we rarely experience the gift and empowering of the Holy spirit. Think about the early church, they are empowered and were able to speak another language foreign to them to make the gospel known.
How is the church responding to the spirit today?  How is our individual life blessed and empowered by the Holy Spirit so that others are blessed by the gospel?