讀經分享申命記十一章13-21節( Deuteronomy 11:13-21 )

申命記十一章13-21節                 神的小僕人
13 你們若留意聽從我今日所吩咐的誡命,愛耶和華你們的神,盡心,盡性,事奉他,
14 他〔原文作我〕必按時降秋雨春雨,在你們的地上,使你們可以收藏五穀,新酒,和油。
15 也必使你吃得飽足,並使田野為你的牲畜長草。
16 你們要謹慎,免得心中受迷惑,就偏離正路,去事奉敬拜別神。
17 耶和華的怒氣向你們發作,就使天閉塞不下雨,地也不出產,使你們在耶和華所賜給你們的美地上,速速滅亡。
18 你們要將我這話存在心內,留在意中,繫在手上為記號,戴在額上為經文,
19 也要教訓你們的兒女,無論坐在家裡,行在路上,躺下,起來,都要談論。
20 又要寫在房屋的門框上,並城門上,
21 使你們和你們子孫的日子,在耶和華向你們列祖起誓應許給他們的地上,得以增多,如天覆地的日子那樣多。
Deuteronomy 11:13-21
God reminded the Israelites to fix their minds on the instructions of God, write them down, put them in the house and teach our children about it.  God knows if we distant from His words, we will be taken astray by different sayings that are not the Truth of God.
There are so many so called wisdom and theology that do not talk about God.  The bible is the truth we believe and we need to put them firmly in our hearts.  Or else we will go astray.