讀經分享哥林多後書三章1-6節( 2 Corinthians 3:1- 6 )

1 我們豈是又舉薦自己嗎?豈像別人,用人的薦信給你們,或用你們的薦信給人嗎?
2 你們就是我們的薦信,寫在我們的心裡,被眾人所知道所念誦的。
3 你們明顯是基督的信,藉著我們修成的,不是用墨寫的,乃是用永生神的靈寫的,不是寫在石版上,乃是寫在心版上。
4 我們因基督所以在神面前纔有這樣的信心。
5 並不是我們憑自己能承擔甚麼事,我們所能承擔的,乃是出於神。
6 他叫我們能承當這新約的執事,不是憑著字句,乃是憑著精意,因為那字句是叫人死,精意是叫人活。〔精意或作聖靈〕
2 Corinthians 3:1-6
Paul spoke to the Corinthians about his feeling towards the believers there.  We can see that he struggled too as a leader in the church.  He told the Corinthians that he did not see his ministry and work as achievement but a kind of confidence in Christ for he had done what he was assigned to.
We are not Paul who was assigned with enormous duty from God.  Yet feeling confident comes from being grateful.  Just doing a little thing for God and for someone close to us each day can be something we are grateful for.  This can be a blessing already.