讀經分享啓示錄八章1-4節( Revelation 8 :1-4 )

啟示錄八章1-4節                  神的小僕人
1 羔羊揭開第七印的時候,天上寂靜約有二刻。
2 我看見那站在神面前的七位天使,有七枝號賜給他們。
3 另有一位天使拿著金香爐,來站在祭壇旁邊,有許多香賜給他,要和眾聖徒的祈禱一同獻在寶座前的金壇上。
4 那香的煙和眾聖徒的祈禱從天使的手中一同升到神面前。
Revelation 8:1-4
Christians talk a lot about prayers and we pray a lot.  Do we actually know what it means to pray?  It is the outpouring of children to their Father in heaven.  It is the fragrance incense offer to God that lasts forever, as described in the book of Revelation. 
We may feel that we don’t see the effect of prayers or we may never see what we want to see.  Yet all our prayers are brought to the altar.  God listens, God knows and God has His timing.