讀經分享約翰福音十六章2-4 ;33節 ( John 16: 2-4;33)

約翰福音十六章2-4;33節                神的小僕人
2 人要把你們趕出會堂,並且時候將到,凡殺你們的,就以為是事奉神。
3 他們這樣行,是因未曾認識父,也未曾認識我。
4 我將這事告訴你們,是叫你們到了時候,可以想起我對你們說過了。我起先沒有將這事告訴你們,因為我與你們同在。
33 我將這些事告訴你們,是要叫你們在我裡面有平安。在世上你們有苦難,但你們可以放心,我已經勝了世界。
今天生活中有什麼叫我們感到不安?是個人面對的問題?是家庭、工作上的壓力?還是社會不公平帶來的不安? 我們要相信主的話,在世上雖然有苦難,但主耶穌已經勝了世界,在祂裡面有平安。
John 16:2-4;33
Jesus told His disciples before He departed the world that they would encounter persecution.  Those who persecuted them thought they were serving God for they did not know Jesus and they were still in darkness.  Yet Jesus confirmed His disciples that in Him we can have peace.
Are we troubled by darkness of the world like personal problems, pressure at home or at work, or even injustice in the world?  We can trust our God who is in control and in Him we can have peace.