讀經分享約翰福音二十章24-29 節 ( John 20: 24-29 )

24 那十二個門徒中,有稱為低土馬的多馬,耶穌來的時候,他沒有和他們同在。
25 那些門徒就對他說:我們已經看見主了。多馬卻說:我非看見他手上的釘痕,用指頭探入那釘痕,又用手探入他的肋旁,我總不信。
26 過了八日,門徒又在屋裡,多馬也和他們同在,門都關了,耶穌來站在當中說:願你們平安。
27 就對多馬說:伸過你的指頭來,摸(摸原文作看)我的手,伸出你的手來,探入我的肋旁,不要疑惑,總要信。
28 多馬說:我的主,我的神。
29 耶穌對他說:你因看見了我纔信,那沒有看見就信的,有福了。
John 20:24-29
The doubtful Thomas refused to believe Christ was alive.  He needed to see the scar in His hands as a proof.  It is human nature not to believe and trust, and thus our broken life and scars we carry can become witness of Christ to prove God’s almighty power.  Just like how Jesus showed his scars to Thomas, we can witness Christ with the scars in our lives.
How do we see our weakness today?  Are we feeling shameful without knowing it can demonstrate the power of God in our brokenness? We cannot but in Him all things are possible.