讀經分享撒母耳記上十七章34-39節(1 Samuel 17: 34-39)

34 大衛對掃羅說:你僕人為父親放羊,有時來了獅子,有時來了熊,從群中啣一隻羊羔去。
35 我就追趕他,擊打他,將羊羔從他口中救出來,他起來要害我,我就揪著他的鬍子,將他打死。
36 你僕人曾打死獅子和熊,這未受割禮的非利士人向永生神的軍隊罵陣,也必像獅子和熊一般。
37 大衛又說:耶和華救我脫離獅子和熊的爪,也必救我脫離這非利士人的手。掃羅對大衛說:你可以去吧,耶和華必與你同在。
38 掃羅就把自己的戰衣給大衛穿上,將銅盔給他戴上,又給他穿上鎧甲。
39 大衛把刀跨在戰衣外,試試能走不能走,因為素來沒有穿慣,就對掃羅說:我穿戴這些不能走,因為素來沒有穿慣。於是摘脫了。
1 Samuel 17:34-39
David, as a shepherd overcame his enemies of lions and bears through the help of God.  When he was about to fight the giant Goliath, he didn’t need the armor of the king but the hands of the Lord.
We are all wonderfully made by God and are His workmanship.  We do not have to admire people for what they have that we don’t have. We just fight the battle  with what God has given and provided for us.
What are we to battle with today?  Let’s put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.