讀經分享帖撒羅尼迦前書四章9-12節( 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12)

帖撒羅尼迦前書四章9-12節               神的小僕人
9 論到弟兄們相愛,不用人寫信給你們,因為你們自己蒙了神的教訓,叫你們彼此相愛。
10 你們向馬其頓全地的眾弟兄,固然是這樣行,但我勸弟兄們要更加勉勵。
11 又要立志作安靜人,辦自己的事,親手作工,正如我們從前所吩咐你們的。
12 叫你們可以向外人行事端正,自己也就沒有甚麼缺乏了。
1 Thessalonians 4:9-12
Paul taught the believers to love one another and to pursue a quiet life. What is a quiet life?  It takes away all mess, arguments, instability and creates a sense of spiritual tranquility that comes from the trust in God.
This is what we lack as 21st century Christians. We care about effectiveness, ability and gifts and we lack that internal peace and patience. Pursing quietness in the Lord is our source of help.