讀經分享箴言十六章1-9節( Proverbs 16 :1-9)

箴言十六章1-9節                  神的小僕人
1 心中的謀算在乎人,舌頭的應對,由於耶和華。
2 人一切所行的,在自己眼中看為清潔,惟有耶和華衡量人心。
3 你所作的,要交託耶和華,你所謀的,就必成立。
4 耶和華所造的,各適其用,就是惡人,也為禍患的日子所造。
5 凡心裡驕傲的,為耶和華所憎惡,雖然連手,他必不免受罰。
6 因憐憫誠實,罪孽得贖,敬畏耶和華的,遠離惡事。
7 人所行的若蒙耶和華喜悅,耶和華也使他的仇敵與他和好。
8 多有財利,行事不義,不如少有財利,行事公義。
9 人心籌算自己的道路,惟耶和華指引他的腳步。
Proverbs 16:1-9
We all have our plans and yet it is up to God to have it done.  God knows our hearts and He reads our mind and motives. If we are proud and deceitful, we will not see the work of the Lord.  The Lord establishes our steps in all our plans.
God weighs our heart and motive.  We all need to be pure and righteous in front of Him doing His will and what He delights.  Fear God and our lives will be a delight in Him.