讀經分享約翰福音十二章37-43節 ( John 12 : 37-43)

約翰福音十二章37-43節             神的小僕人
37 耶穌說了這話,就離開他們,隱藏了。他雖然在他們面前行了許多神蹟,他們還是不信他。
38 這是要應驗先知以賽亞的話,說:『主阿,我們所傳的,有誰信呢?主的膀臂向誰顯露呢?』
39 他們所以不能信,因為以賽亞又說:
41 以賽亞因為看見他的榮耀,就指著他說這話。
42 雖然如此,官長中卻有好些信他的,只因法利賽人的緣故,就不承認,恐怕被趕出會堂。
43 這是因他們愛人的榮耀,過於愛神的榮耀。
John 12:37-43
Despite the signs performed by Jesus, the Jews refused to accept Him as the messiah.  The freedom human being have sometimes become our blocking stones for we refuse to accept things that are beyond our comprehension or our own set of mind frame.  The Jews were like that at the time of Jesus and so are we today towards the truth of God.
There are some who acknowledge the truth but lack the courage to testify.  Why? Because we all love the praise of men instead of God.  We are fearful that we don’t get popular if we are testifying what people don’t like.  Do we have courage today to state our faith?  Are we scared of criticism or adverse comment from others  towards our testimony of Christ?