讀經分享詩篇五十九篇1;16-17 節 (Psalm 59:1;16-17 )

詩篇五十九篇1;16-17節              神的小僕人
16 但我要歌頌你的力量,早晨要高唱你的慈愛,因為你作過我的高臺,在我急難的日子,作過我的避難所。
17 我的力量阿,我要歌頌你,因為神是我的高臺,是賜恩與我的神。
什麼時候我們會唱歌呢?不都是開心快樂的時候嗎?但詩人告訴我們: 原來當我們缺乏能力的時候,歌唱讚美神是我們得力的源頭。當我們哼着神應許的詩歌:耶和華是我的牧者,神是我的山寨、高台、避難所,是我的幫助,神的慈愛永遠長存...這些詩,都叫我們心中喜樂、重新得力。
Psalm 59:1;16-17
Do we think that people only sing when they are happy?  Indeed we can sing when we are down and depressed.  The psalmist told us that singing and praising God strengthen us.  The Lord is my shepherd,  God is my refuge and my hiding place, for as high as the heavens are above the earth,
so great is his love for those who fear him... when we sing, we are strengthened.
Let’s praise the Lord both in our heart and by singing.  He is worthy and He is the Only God we can trust.