讀經分享提多書二章1-8節( Titus 2 :1-8 )

提多書二章1-8節                   神的小僕人
1 但你所講的,總要合乎那純正的道理。
2 勸老年人,要有節制,端莊,自守,在信心愛心忍耐上,都要純全無疵。
3 又勸老年婦人,舉止行動要恭敬,不說讒言,不給酒作奴僕,用善道教訓人。
4 好指教少年婦人,愛丈夫,愛兒女,
5 謹守,貞潔,料理家務,待人有恩,順服自己的丈夫,免得神的道理被毀謗。
6 又勸少年人要謹守。
7 你自己凡事要顯出善行的榜樣;在教訓上要正直、端莊,
8 言語純全,無可指責,叫那反對的人,既無處可說我們的不是,便自覺羞愧。
Titus 2:1-8
Paul reminded Titus to pastor people of different background.  To the elderly, we are to encourage good examples in love and faith, to the women, be help to their husbands, to the young people be self controlled and respectful.  They are characters that testify our faith in the Lord.
Unfortunately believers are acting only according to what they think is good.  Paul in the contrary emphasized the need for self control and setting example of integrity.  They are intrinsic and gives people no way to accuse our faith and belief.