讀經分享詩篇 6 篇(Psalm 6 )

詩篇6 篇

1 耶和華啊,求你不要在怒中責備我, 也不要在烈怒中懲罰我! 
2 耶和華啊,求你可憐我,因為我軟弱。 耶和華啊,求你醫治我,因為我的骨頭發戰。 
3 我心也大大地驚惶。 耶和華啊,你要到幾時才救我呢? 
4 耶和華啊,求你轉回搭救我! 因你的慈愛拯救我。 
5 因為,在死地無人記念你, 在陰間有誰稱謝你? 
6 我因唉哼而困乏; 我每夜流淚,把牀榻漂起, 把褥子濕透。 
7 我因憂愁眼睛乾癟, 又因我一切的敵人眼睛昏花。 
8 你們一切作孽的人,離開我吧! 因為耶和華聽了我哀哭的聲音。 
9 耶和華聽了我的懇求; 耶和華必收納我的禱告。 
10 我的一切仇敵都必羞愧,大大驚惶; 他們必要退後,忽然羞愧。

Psalm 6 
This is a psalm of David. He was in desperation and agony when he wrote the passage. He was pouring his anguish and agony to the Lord. He did not hold back his tear and he pleaded for deliverance and help for a Lord Almighty. 
We will have different challenges on earth. Remembering the war between Israel and Palestinians today, I can not imagine how many people are suffering just like David did. May the Lord show mercy to them as You did to David, granting safety and restoring peace to the people there. Perhaps today we have war and struggle too. May the merciful Lord rescue us all. 
The Lord listens to prayers, He is merciful and He heals.