讀經分享出埃及記四章1-5節 (Exodus 4:1-5)


1 摩西回答說:「他們必不信我,也不聽我的話,必說:『耶和華並沒有向你顯現。』」 
2 耶和華對摩西說:「你手裏是甚麼?」他說:「是杖。」 
3 耶和華說:「丟在地上。」他一丟下去,就變作蛇;摩西便跑開。 
4 耶和華對摩西說:「伸出手來,拿住牠的尾巴,牠必在你手中仍變為杖; 
5 如此好叫他們信耶和華-他們祖宗的神,就是亞伯拉罕的神,以撒的神,雅各的神,是向你顯現了。
親愛的天父,願意我們都知道神的心意,活在祢的看顧之中。 求您加給我們信心與盼望,也求主向我們說話並顯現。奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們。
Exodus 4:1-5 
Moses was called by God to rescue the Jews but he could not believe. He only knew he was not able and he could not see how able our God is. So the Lord appeared to him and showed miraculous signs to strengthen his faith. 
Every one of us is called by God. We all of our own mission and task. God is faithful and He will enable us to accomplish what He wants us to. His presence is shown by the various miraculous signs in our lives. In fact everyday when we live and are able to work and rest, it is miraculous. 
May we all know His will and trust He will help us accomplish.