讀經分享馬可福音九章33-37節 ( Mark 9 :33 -37)

馬可福音九章33-37節               神的小僕人
33 他們來到迦百農,耶穌在屋裡問門徒說:你們在路上議論的是甚麼。
34 門徒不作聲,因為他們在路上彼此爭論誰為大。
35 耶穌坐下,叫十二個門徒來,說:若有人願意作首先的,他必作眾人末後的,作眾人的用人。
36 於是領過一個小孩子來,叫他站在門徒中間,又抱起他來,對他們說:
37 凡為我名,接待一個像這小孩子的就是接待我,凡接待我的,不是接待我,乃是接待那差我來的。
Mark 9:33-37
When Jesus realized that the disciples were arguing who was the greatest, He taught them the essence of serving.  Serving is learning to become a servant, to be humble and to submit.  We may not want to serve because we are not happy with the system, the leaders, or some biblical principles.  Yet in serving we learn to humble ourselves and be simple and dependent as small children.
Jesus’ teaching addresses each and every one of us, no matter we are serving in the church community, at work place and in families towards our spouse, kids or parents.  In essence it is a lesson we learn to deny and let go of our ego.