讀經分享彼得前書五章8-10節( 1 Peter 5 : 8-10 )

彼得前書五章8-10節                神的小僕人
8 務要謹守,警醒。因為你們的仇敵魔鬼,如同吼叫的獅子,遍地遊行,尋找可吞吃的人。
9 你們要用堅固的信心抵擋他,因為知道你們在世上的眾弟兄,也是經歷這樣的苦難。
10 那賜諸般恩典的神曾在基督裡召你們,得享他永遠的榮耀,等你們暫受苦難之後,必要親自成全你們,堅固你們,賜力量給你們。
1 Peter 5:8-10
Everyday we encounter challenges and temptations, and as believers we cannot exempt from them.  How can we cope? Peter reminds us to be alert of sober mind.  We have to stand firm in our faith and to refuse the devil who pricks around to seek the weak and discouraged souls.  
We cannot resist the temptation through our own effort but we can through our faith in Christ.  God promises to enable all who turn to Him for help.  God is able though we cannot and He will help us through.