讀經分享使徒行傳十五章12-21節( Acts 15 :12-21 )

使徒行傳十五章12-21節              神的小僕人
13 他們住了聲,雅各就說:諸位弟兄,請聽我的話。
14 方纔西門述說神當初怎樣眷顧外邦人,從他們中間選取百姓歸於自己的名下。
15 眾先知的話,也與這意思相合。
16 正如經上所寫的,『此後我要回來,重新修造大衛倒塌的帳幕,把那破壞的,重新修造建立起來。
17 叫餘剩的人,就是凡稱為我名下的外邦人,都尋求主。
18 這話是從創世以來,顯明這事的主說的。』
19 所以據我的意見,不可難為那歸服神的外邦人。
20 只要寫信,吩咐他們禁戒偶像的污穢和姦淫,並勒死的牲畜,和血。
21 因為從古以來,摩西的書在各城有人傳講,每逢安息日,在會堂裡誦讀。
Acts 15:12-21
Peter reported to the Jews in Jerusalem how the Gentiles converted to Christ.  James then encouraged the people to accept the Gentiles for their conversion represented the gracious love of God.  To encourage others is not solely to restore them to strength but also to lead them to seeing the gracious hands of God.
God is working with different things everyday.  It's just that we seldom notice and we cannot comprehend.  Through the fellowship of believers we are to help others see the hands of God working graciously on His people today.