讀經分享創世記四章1-2節( Genesis 4 :1-2 )

創世記四章1-2節                神的小僕人
2 又生了該隱的兄弟亞伯。亞伯是牧羊的;該隱是種地的。
Genesis 4:1-2
Eve gave birth to Cain and she recognised it is all about grace.  At that time Adam and Eve were sent away from the Garden of Eden because of sins.  Yet God kept them safe and gave them sons to continue their lives.  Eve there said, “ with the help of God I got a son”
We take many things for granted without acknowledging they are all grace of God.  Every little details of life tells us God is our help.  If we learn to be grateful all the time, the way we see things and the way we live will not be the same.