讀經分享啓示錄四章1-6節( Revelation 4 :1-6 )

啟示錄四章1-6節                             神的小僕人
1 此後,我觀看,見天上有門開了,我初次聽見好像吹號的聲音,對我說:你上到這裡來,我要將以後必成的事指示你。
2 我立刻被聖靈感動,見有一個寶座安置在天上,又有一位坐在寶座上。
3 看那坐著的,好像碧玉和紅寶石,又有虹圍著寶座,好像綠寶石。
4 寶座的周圍,又有二十四個座位,其上坐著二十四位長老,身穿白衣,頭上戴著金冠冕。
5 有閃電,聲音,雷轟,從寶座中發出。又有七盞火燈在寶座前點著,這七燈就是神的七靈。
6 寶座前好像一個玻璃海如同水晶,寶座中,和寶座周圍有四個活物,前後遍體都滿了眼睛。
Revelation 4:1-6
The elderly apostle John wrote down what he was inspired about the heaven so that believers will have a glimpse of what it is like in eternity.  Very often we did not recognize its importance for we only care for what we see and not what we don’t see.  What has been promised in eternity in glorious things that perhaps is beyond our comprehension.
Living on earth we focus too much on what we have or don’t have. Having an eternity perspective helps us to see things differently and perhaps then live differently.