讀經分享詩篇139篇13-18節( Psalm 139 :13-18 )

詩篇139篇13-18節                      神的小僕人
13 我的肺腑是你所造的,我在母腹中,你已覆庇我。
14 我要稱謝你,因我受造奇妙可畏,你的作為奇妙,這是我心深知道的。
15 我在暗中受造,在地的深處被聯絡,那時,我的形體並不向你隱藏。
16 我未成形的體質,你的眼早已看見了,你所定的日子,我尚未度一日,〔或作我被造的肢體尚未有其一〕你都寫在你的冊上了。
17 神阿,你的意念向我何等寶貴,其數何等眾多。
18 我若數點,比海沙更多,我睡醒的時候,仍和你同在。
Psalm 139:13-18
Have we ever doubted if God really exists?  Is  He really sovereigning and looking after us?  Actually God is watching and He is omnipresent.  We are under his hidden hands of care and protection.  Think about the creation of a new life, our daily existence and the uncertainty of future.  Without God, we have no hope.
Thank You Father for your daily protection and care.  Thank You for Your Almighty but hidden hands.