讀經分享耶利米書九章23-26節( Jeremiah 9 : 23-26 )

耶利米書九章23-26節               神的小僕人
24 誇口的卻因他有聰明,認識我是耶和華,又知道我喜悅在世上施行慈愛公平和公義,以此誇口,這是耶和華說的。
25 耶和華說:看哪,日子將到,我要刑罰一切受過割禮,心卻未受割禮的。
26 就是埃及,猶大,以東,亞捫人,摩押人,和一切住在曠野剃周圍頭髮的,因為列國人都沒有受割禮,以色列人心中,也沒有受割禮。
Jeremiah 9:23-26
God reprimanded His people for their uncircumcised hearts.  What it means is that their lives and way of living has not be transformed.  They will be judged according to their outward and superficial confession of faith.  It is particularly pointed out the pride of His people who take all the credits of their wealth, ability and circumstances. Recognizing God’s provision and our own inability is one form of authentic faith.
We live in a materially abundant but spiritually poor world.  There are times we think what we have are all our outcomes of our own efforts.  Let’s reflect and acknowledge they are all God’s saving grace and kind provision.