讀經分享羅馬書十五章1-5節( Romans 15:1-5 )

羅馬書十五章1-5節                    神的小僕人
1 我們堅固的人,應該擔代不堅固人的軟弱,不求自己的喜悅。
2 我們各人務要叫鄰舍喜悅,使他得益處,建立德行。
3 因為基督也不求自己的喜悅,如經上所記,『辱罵你人的辱罵,都落在我身上。』
4 從前所寫的聖經,都是為教訓我們寫的,叫我們因聖經所生的忍耐和安慰,可以得著盼望。
5 但願賜忍耐安慰的神,叫你們彼此同心,效法基督耶穌。
Romans 15:1-5
There is no spiritual giants on earth.  We are all weak and vulnerable.  Yet if we think we can endure and have matured in Christ, we are to help the others who are weak and discouraged.  Life is all about building others up and bringing them to the Lord, as Paul reminded us.
Who are the people God places around us so that we can bless them? May the Spirit encourage and compel us to bless others instead of only asking for blessings from our Lord.