讀經分享詩篇39篇1-7節 ( Psalm 39 :1-7)

詩篇39篇1-7節                      神的小僕人
2 我默然無聲,連好話也不出口,我的愁苦就發動了。
3 我的心在我裡面發熱。我默想的時候,火就燒起,我便用舌頭說話。
4 耶和華阿,求你叫我曉得我身之終,我的壽數幾何,叫我知道我的生命不長。
5 你使我的年日窄如手掌;我一生的年數,在你面前如同無有。各人最穩妥的時候,真是全然虛幻。(細拉)
6 世人行動實係幻影,他們忙亂,真是枉然,積蓄財寶,不知將來有誰收取。
7 主阿,如今我等甚麼呢?我的指望在乎你。
Psalm 39:1-7
There are times we strife to achieve, we struggle to obtain, we endeavor to persevere, at the end we recognize what we gain is nothing, but a sigh.  Recognizing the limitation of lives, believers are not to be pessimistic or negative.  Instead we set our priority right.  What’s important? Material, fame, achievement or knowing our Creator and cherishing the days He gives us and the relationship we are in ?
Dear God, our hope is in You.  Grant us wisdom to count our days and be faithful.