讀經分享雅各書二章14 -18 節( James 2 :14-18)

雅各書二章14-18節                 神的小僕人
14 我的弟兄們,若有人說:自己有信心,卻沒有行為,有甚麼益處呢?這信心能救他嗎?
15 若是弟兄或是姊妹,赤身露體,又缺了日用的飲食;
16 你們中間有人對他們說:平平安安地去吧!願你們穿得暖,吃得飽;卻不給他們身體所需用的,這有什麼益處呢?
17 這樣,信心若沒有行為就是死的。
18 必有人說:你有信心,我有行為,你將你沒有行為的信心指給我看,我便藉著我的行為,將我的信心指給你看。
James 2:14-18
Faith and deeds weigh the same in our spirituality.  We cannot do without one of them for they are the core of our Christian faith.  We are saved through faith in Jesus salvation and yet we are inspired by the love of Christ to live a life of love and giving.
Who are in need that we are aware of?either in terms of trouble, deprivation or hunger.  Are we willing to meet their needs through deeds simply because of our faith in Christ? We are not saved by deeds but they prove that our faith is genuine.