讀經分享箴言十一章23-31節( Proverbs 11 : 23-31)

箴言十一章23-31節            神的小僕人
23 義人的心願盡得好處;惡人的指望致干忿怒。
24 有施散的,卻更增添,有吝惜過度的,反致窮乏。
25 好施捨的,必得豐裕,滋潤人的,必得滋潤。
26 屯糧不賣的,民必咒詛他,情願出賣的,人必為他祝福。
27 懇切求善的,就求得恩惠,惟獨求惡的,惡必臨到他身。
28 倚仗自己財物的,必跌倒,義人必發旺如青葉。
29 擾害己家的,必承受清風,愚昧人必作慧心人的僕人。
30 義人所結的果子,就是生命樹,有智慧的必能得人。
31 看哪,義人在世尚且受報,何況惡人和罪人呢?
Wisdom of lives is about generosity and giving. The giving is not just about money or material, it can include our blessings from relationships and spiritual blessings. We would have wasted our lives if we tightly hold onto what we have.
What can we share with others today?  We can share our fortune, our experience and our spiritual blessings.  They are blessings to others and God’s house purposes in our lives.