讀經分享詩篇25篇14-22節( Psalm 25 :14-22)

詩篇25篇14-22節           神的小僕人
14 耶和華與敬畏他的人親密,他必將自己的約指示他們。
15 我的眼目時常仰望耶和華,因為他必將我的腳從網裡拉出來。
16 求你轉向我,憐恤我,因為我是孤獨困苦。
17 我心裡的愁苦甚多,求你救我脫離我的禍患。
18 求你看顧我的困苦,我的艱難,赦免我一切的罪。
19 求你察看我的仇敵,因為他們人多,並且痛痛的恨我。
20 求你保護我的性命,搭救我,使我不至羞愧,因為我投靠你。
21 願純全正直保守我,因為我等候你。
22 神阿,求你救贖以色列脫離他一切的愁苦。
Psalm 25:14-22
The psalmist lived in the desperate situation of isolation and disappointment.  He was looked down, hated and rejected.  These are terrible feelings and can make us feel despised and unaccepted.  The psalmist gives us a way out: to turn to God for comfort for He knows us and He will come to our rescue and help. Yet the most important thing is we live with integrity and righteousness and refuse to sin against God.
In this modern world, our hearts are full of isolation and dryness.  People look down on us and misunderstand us.  Yet our God never and He will vindicate us.