讀經分享約翰福音十章11-15節 ( John 10 :11 -15 )

約翰福音十章11-15節              神的小僕人
11 我是好牧人,好牧人為羊捨命。
12 若是雇工,不是牧人,羊也不是他自己的,他看見狼來,就撇下羊逃走,狼抓住羊,趕散了羊群。
13 雇工逃走,因他是雇工,並不顧念羊。
14 我是好牧人,我認識我的羊,我的羊也認識我。
15 正如父認識我,我也認識父一樣,並且我為羊捨命。
犧牲是每一個服事主的人很大的功課,且做比說困難許多。當我們付出很多的時候,我們能否不計較、不求回報 ,全心全意地為別人得福而付出呢?
John 10:11-15
Jesus is our Good Shepherd, for He lay down His life for us.  He is not a hired hand who only worked for rewards, He is totally devoted to bless us through His life and sacrifice.
Sacrifice is the biggest lesson for us. It is easier said than done.  How often when we give a lot, we are frustrated with the lack of recognition? Are we able to bless others not thinking about ourselves but solely the benefits of others?