讀經分享歷代志下十六章7-9節 ( 2 Chronicles 16 :7 - 9)

歷代志下十六章7-9節              神的小僕人
7 那時,先見哈拿尼來見猶大王亞撒,對他說:因你仰賴亞蘭王,沒有仰賴耶和華你的神,所以亞蘭王的軍兵脫離了你的手。
8 古實人路比人的軍隊不是甚大嗎?戰車馬兵不是極多嗎?只因你仰賴耶和華,他便將他們交在你手裡。
9 耶和華的眼目遍察全地,要顯大能幫助向他心存誠實的人。你這事行得愚昧,此後,你必有爭戰的事。
2 Chronicles 16:7-9
God’s eyes are always upon those who rely on Him and seek Him. He knows how weak we are and see us as dust of the earth.  He is therefore always around to strengthen us.  Yet king Asa refused to turn to Him for help.  He sought the help of the great army of Aram and forgot about God.  Aren’t we the same too?  We look upon people who can help us and forget about God whose eyes are searching upon those who totally committed to Him.
May we turn to God and trust Him fully. Lord, may we experience Your protection and Your guidance upon us.