讀經分享約翰福音四章28-29節 ( John 4 :28 -29)

約翰福音四章28-29節                 神的小僕人
28 那婦人就留下水罐子,往城裡去,對眾人說:
29 你們來看!有一個人將我素來所行的一切事都給我說出來了,莫非這就是基督嗎?
John 4:7-15;28-9
The story about Jesus and Samaritan woman taught us about the all-knowing and almighty nature of our God.  He knows the darkness in our heart yet He does not just condemn but want to save us from sins and iniquities.  He never forsakes and He longs to love and to save.
God is all loving and merciful.  Knowing Him in our journey of life is our blessings for we learn to follow Him, living in the Light, turning away from darkness and witnessing Him, blessing others.