讀經分享傳道書三章9 -13節( Ecclesiastes 3 : 9-13 )

傳道書三章9-13節                 神的小僕人
9 這樣看來,作事的人在他的勞碌上有甚麼益處呢?
10 我見神叫世人勞苦,使他們在其中受經練。
11 神造萬物,各按其時成為美好,又將永生安置在世人心裡,〔永生原文作永遠〕然而神從始至終的作為,人不能參透。
12 我知道世人,莫強如終身喜樂行善。
13 並且人人吃喝,在他一切勞碌中享福,這也是神的恩賜。
Ecclesiastes 3:9-13
God gives human a heart of eternity.  It helps us to recognize our limitation and the shortness of lives.  Yet there are two things that we can do.  We can do what God desires and to enjoy His provision on earth.  To enjoy life is not sinful, it is a gracious heart that cherishes our days and at the same time knowing what to do when we are still alive.
Life is short but everyday is a blessing for us to enjoy and to do good in the eyes of our Lord.