讀經分享路加福音十五章1-7節 ( Luke 15 :1 - 7 )

路加福音十五章1-7節             神的小僕人
1 眾稅吏和罪人,都挨近耶穌要聽他講道。
2 法利賽人和文士,私下議論說:這個人接待罪人,又同他們吃飯。
3 耶穌就用比喻,說:
4 你們中間誰有一百隻羊,失去一隻,不把這九十九隻撇在曠野,去找那失去的羊直到找著呢?
5 找著了,就歡歡喜喜的扛在肩上,回到家裡。
6 就請朋友鄰舍來,對他們說:我失去的羊已經找著了,你們和我一同歡喜吧。
7 我告訴你們,一個罪人悔改,在天上也要這樣為他歡喜,較比為九十九個不用悔改的義人,歡喜更大。
Luke 15:1-7
The parable of the lost sheep told us how God loves all the repenting sinners.  We all have experiences of kids and if we manage to get back what we lose, the joy is unexplainable.  God’s love for us is so deep and wide, it is incomprehensible, and indescribable.
May be as parents we know a bit about the love of God.  Through the way we love our children we understand how God loves us.  As children we should be grateful to our parents.  Though not perfect, they demonstrate some traits of the love of God.  We should after all be thankful to our Heavenly Father.