讀經分享耶利米書二章 20-22節( Jeremiah 2 : 20 -22 )

耶利米書二章20-22節        神的小僕人
20 我在古時折斷你的軛,解開你的繩索,你說:我必不事奉耶和華,因為你在各高岡上,各青翠樹下,屈身行淫。〔或作我在古時折斷你的軛解開你的繩索你就說我必不事奉別神誰知你在各高岡上各青翠樹下仍屈身行淫〕
21 然而我栽你是上等的葡萄樹,全然是真種子,你怎麼向我變為外邦葡萄樹的壞枝子呢?
22 你雖用鹼,多用肥皂洗濯,你罪孽的痕跡,仍然在我面前顯出,這是主耶和華說的。
Jeremiah 2:20-22
The Israelites turned against God . They forgot the help of God and relied only on themselves.  They forgot the miracle if exodus, the Red Sea and the entrance into the promised land.  They think they can do without God.
Jesus rose from the death.  It is the sign of hope and salvation.  May we trust and obey God, not leaning on our own understanding and ability.  God is our only help.