讀經分享詩篇三十篇(Psalm 30)

詩篇30篇                                 神的小僕人
2 耶和華我的神阿,我曾呼求你,你醫治了我。
3 耶和華阿,你曾把我的靈魂從陰間救上來,使我存活,不至於下坑。
4 耶和華的聖民哪,你們要歌頌他,稱讚他可記念的聖名
5 因為他的怒氣不過是轉眼之間,他的恩典乃是一生之久,一宿雖然有哭泣,早晨便必歡呼。
6 至於我,我凡事平順,便說:我永不動搖。
7 耶和華阿,你曾施恩,叫我的江山穩固,你掩了面,我就驚惶。
8 耶和華阿,我曾求告你,我向耶和華懇求,說:
9 我被害流血,下到坑中,有甚麼益處呢?塵土豈能稱讚你,傳說你的誠實嗎?
10 耶和華阿,求你應允我,憐恤我。耶和華阿,求你幫助我。
11 你已將我的哀哭變為跳舞,將我的麻衣脫去,給我披上喜樂。
12 好叫我的靈〔原文作榮耀〕歌頌你,並不住聲。耶和華我的神阿,我要稱謝你,直到永遠。
Psalm 30
We are living under the care and protection of God, whether we recognized it or not.  God raises us up from the realm of death and spares us from falling down into the pit.  We are spared with many dangers and crisis and thus everyday is a present of the Lord.
Though we may not have life threatening experience, we are actually given life by the grace of God.  Jesus saves us from the curse of death and we should give thanks to God for each new day.