讀經分享箴言十七章19-22 節 ( Proverbs 17 :19 -22 )

箴言十七章19-22節                         神的小僕人
19 喜愛爭競的,是喜愛過犯,高立家門的,乃自取敗壞。
20 心存邪僻的,尋不著好處,舌弄是非的,陷在禍患中。
21 生愚昧子的,必自愁苦,愚頑人的父,毫無喜樂。
22 喜樂的心,乃是良藥,憂傷的靈,使骨枯乾。
現代人追求身體健康,卻忘了心靈的健康是何等重要!怎樣的心靈才是健康的呢?神給了我們靈丹妙藥,喜樂的心就是良藥。 那我們又怎樣得着喜樂的心呢?真心敬畏神、愛神愛人,這才是醫治我們的靈丹妙藥。
Proverbs 17:19-22
Modern people always talk about modern medicine to keep ourselves healthy.  Yet we overlook the need for mental and spiritual health.  God gives us a spiritual prescription, that’s a cheerful heart,  for it is good medicine that cures.
Are we in trouble or distress? Look upon Jesus and trust Him with a cheerful heart. May we live each day with joy and thankfulness for every day is a gift of God.