讀經分享以賽亞書五十五章1-6節 ( Isaiah 55 : 1-6 )

以賽亞書五十五章1-6節              神的小僕人
1 你們一切乾渴的都當就近水來;沒有銀錢的也可以來。你們都來,買了吃;不用銀錢,不用價值,也來買酒和奶。
2 你們為何花錢〔原文作平銀〕買那不足為食物的,用勞碌得來的買那不使人飽足的呢?你們要留意聽我的話,就能吃那美物,得享肥甘,心中喜樂。
3 你們當就近我來,側耳而聽,就必得活,我必與你們立永約,就是應許大衛那可靠的恩典。
4 我已立他作萬民的見證,為萬民的君王和司令。
5 你素不認識的國民,你也必召來,素不認識你的國民,也必向你奔跑,都因耶和華你的神以色列的聖者,因為他已經榮耀你。
6 當趁耶和華可尋找的時候尋找他,相近的時候求告他。
Isaiah 55:1-6
This passage can be described as the cry of God to His people,  just like loving parents calling for the return of their children.  It is the longing, the editing and the hope of the Lord for His people to come back to Him for the thirsty will be refreshed, the hungry will be fed, and the longing will be fulfilled.  Our God is a faithful God of love.
What are we searching and waiting for?  The world can satisfy us temporarily through money and gains but the ultimate satisfaction comes from God who satisfies our souls and gives us ultimate peace and fulfillment.