讀經分享詩篇六十三章篇( Psalm 63 )

詩篇63篇                                神的小僕人
2 我在聖所中曾如此瞻仰你,為要見你的能力,和你的榮耀。
3 因你的慈愛比生命更好,我的嘴唇要頌讚你。
4 我還活的時候要這樣稱頌你,我要奉你的名舉手。
5 我在床上記念你,在夜更的時候思想你,我的心就像飽足了骨髓肥油,我也要以歡樂的嘴唇讚美你。
6 (併於上節)
7 因為你曾幫助我,我就在你翅膀的蔭下歡呼。
8 我心緊緊的跟隨你,你的右手扶持我。
9 但那些尋索要滅我命的人,必往地底下去。
10 他們必被刀劍所殺,被野狗所吃。
11 但是王必因神歡喜,凡指著他發誓的,必要誇口,因為說謊之人的口,必被塞住。
Psalm 63
The psalm was written by David when he was in the desert.  It was time of needs and desperation that he experienced the love and protection of God.  His hunger for God and spiritual appetite drew him to God and made him grateful and devotional.
God’s love is better than life. Who can say that except those who feel their dependence on God and experience His gracious saving?  May we need to trust God in times of need and be grateful to Him in times of peace.