18 耶穌說這話的時候,有一個管會堂的來拜他說:我女兒剛纔死了,
19 耶穌便起來,跟著他去,門徒也跟了去。
20 有一個女人,患了十二年的血漏,來到耶穌背後,摸他的衣裳繸子。
21 因為他心裡說:我只摸他的衣裳,就必痊癒。
22 耶穌轉過來看見他,就說:女兒,放心,你的信救了你,從那時候,
親愛的上帝,祢能、祢也願意施行醫治。 願我們今天也能像經文中的這位父親及這位患了十二年血漏的婦人一
Matthew 9:18-22
The passage narrates two stories of faith, a father who believed Jesus could raise his daughter from death, and a woman who believed her bleeding disease would be healed by touching the cloak of Jesus.
They both came to Jesus trusting He could heal and He would. Faith is not greedily asking for things we desire. It is our need that bring us to the throne of God, admitting our needs and trusting He will provide. We do not ask what we want but what we need, and we trust Jesus can provide.
Faith helps us see the hands of God for He can and He will heal.