15 他說:猶大眾人,耶路撒冷的居民,和約沙法王,你們請聽,
16 明日你們要下去迎敵,他們是從洗斯坡上來,
17 猶大和耶路撒冷人哪,這次你們不要爭戰,要擺陣站著,
18 約沙法就面伏於地,猶大眾人和耶路撒冷的居民,
19 哥轄族和可拉族的利未人都起來,
20 次日清早眾人起來,往提哥亞的曠野去,出去的時候,
21 約沙法既與民商議了,就設立歌唱的人,頌讚耶和華,
22 眾人方唱歌讚美的時候,
23 因為亞捫人和摩押人起來,擊殺住西珥山的人,將他們滅盡,
神啊!每個爭戰都可以相信祢、依靠祢,因為祢顧念祢的子民。 感謝讚美主!求基督耶穌率領我們在爭戰中得勝。奉耶穌的名禱告,
2 Chronicles 20:15-23
The passage narrates how Jehoshaphat led his people battle with their enemy. The Lord comforted and assured them saying the battle belonged to the Lord. God is the army in charge and He will lead His people in triumph.
More importantly is the response of Jehoshaphat and his people. They believed the words of the Lord and started praising the Lord. It was all done before the battle began. The Lord then ambushed the enemy and destroyed them. As we battle today, we can trust, we can praise and we can follow and the Lord will lead us through.
We can trust God in every battle, for He cares for His people.