17 耶利米對西底家說:耶和華萬軍之神,以色列的神如此說:
18 你若不出去歸降巴比倫王的首領,這城必交在迦勒底人手中,
19 西底家王對耶利米說:我怕那些投降迦勒底人的猶大人,
20 耶利米說:迦勒底人必不將你交出。
21 你若不肯出去,耶和華指示我的話乃是這樣。
22 猶大王宮著所剩的婦女,必都帶到巴比倫王的首領那裡,
23 人必將你的后妃,和你的兒女,帶到迦勒底人那裡,
Jeremiah 38:17-23
This passage is the conversation between the prophet and king Zedekiah. In short Jeremiah asked the king to lead the Jews to surrender to the Babylonians.
It is hard to comprehend why God allowed His people to be ruled by pagans and to be captured to a foreign land. The fact is God’s sovereign plan is what we cannot receive. From man’s point of view, it is submission to the Babylonians, but actually it is submission to the will and plan of God. It is their captivity that eventually the Jews repented and returned to their land, spiritually reformed. Likewise when we encounter difficult moment we consider unfavourable in life, it may be the beginning of a new page.
Every difficult moment is under our sovereign God, with His timing and plan.