讀經分享申命記三十四章1-5節( Deuteronomy 34 : 1- 5 )

申命記三十四章1-5節              神的小僕人
1 摩西從摩押平原登尼波山,上了那與耶利哥相對的毘斯迦山頂。耶和華把基列全地直到但,
2 拿弗他利全地,以法蓮,瑪拿西的地,猶大全地直到西海,
3 南地,和棕樹城耶利哥的平原,直到瑣珥,都指給他看。
4 耶和華對他說:這就是我向亞伯拉罕,以撒,雅各,起誓應許之地,說:我必將這地賜給你的後裔,現在我使你眼睛看見了,你卻不得過到那裡去。
5 於是耶和華的僕人摩西死在摩押地,正如耶和華所說的。
摩西離世之前,神領他到尼波山,為的是告訴他神的應許永不失落,祂讓摩西看見祂給以色列人的應許之地。我們不要單看摩西不能到達那地,反而要看摩西所有的: 上帝對摩西的體恤和憐憫。
Deuteronomy 34:1-5
Before Moses departed the world, God led him to mount neon and showed him the land He has promised the Israelites.  God is showing his faithfulness.  We don’t have to focus on what Moses didn’t have, but what he had - God’s understandings and mercy.
God was there with Moses when he died.  Both his mind and his physical ability was admirable despite of his old age.  They are all God given strength for those who fear and love God.