讀經分享哥林多後書四章16-18 節( 2 Corinthians 4 :16-18 )

哥林多後書四章16-18節                   神的小僕人
16 所以我們不喪膽,外體雖然毀壞,內心卻一天新似一天。
17 我們這至暫至輕的苦楚,要為我們成就極重無比永遠的榮耀。
18 原來我們不是顧念所見的,乃是顧念所不見的,因為所見的是暫時的,所不見的是永遠的。
2 Corinthians 4:16-18
The life perspective of Paul is really a great example for all believers.  What Paul concerns is not material, fame or recognition and comments from others.  Therefore he sees adversity as temporary and the decline of bodily condition as just outward issues.  He believes what is most important is our inward condition, our hearts that fear God and follow God.
What do we care today?  What do we see today?  Are our eyes upon worldly rewards and comfort or the approval of God?