讀經分享箴言二十三章9-12節 (Proverbs 23:9-12 )

箴言二十三章9-12節       神的小僕人
9 你不要說話給愚昧人聽,因他必藐視你智慧的言語。
10 不可挪移古時的地界,也不可侵入孤兒的田地。
11 因他們的救贖主,大有能力,他必向你為他們辨屈。
12 你要留心領受訓誨。側耳聽從知識的言語。
Proverbs 23:9-12
Godly wisdom is what can help us interpret situations correctly.  So many times we are trapped by our own prejudice and judgment, we end up making wrong decisions.  In order to make sound decision, overcome darkness and adversity, knowing the Truth and following the Wisdom is the only way.
Open our hearts and listen to God’s instruction, it is the life lesson for all believers.  To follow and obey is true wisdom that differentiate from the worldly one.