讀經分享約伯記十二章7-10節( Job 12 : 7 -10 )

約伯記十二章7-10 節           神的小僕人
7 你且問走獸,走獸必指教你,又問空中的飛鳥,飛鳥必告訴你。
8 或與地說話,地必指教你,海中的魚,也必向你說明。
9 看這一切,誰不知道是耶和華的手作成的呢?
10 凡活物的生命,和人類的氣息,都在他手中。
Jobs 12:7-10
All the creation in the world is telling us the greatness and love of God.  He loves all that He created, the plants and living things.  He loves the animals and He loves all human beings.
We are all made in His image and we cannot comprehend how precious we are in His eyes.  Let’s be grateful and live out His graciousness.