讀經分享 腓立比書一章20-21節 ( Philippians 1:20-21)

腓立比書一章20-21節              神的小僕人
20 照著我所切慕所盼望的,沒有一事叫我羞愧,只要凡事放膽,無論是生,是死,總叫基督在我身上照常顯大。
21 因我活著就是基督,我死了就有益處。
保羅的人生哲學,活着就是基督,死了就有益處。可是許多信徒的人生觀, 卻是活着就要有益處,死了才有耶穌。這真是值得我們好好反思。
Philippians 1:20-21
As followers of Christ, we are to glorify God while we are alive.  When we depart, we should believe we will be with Christ right away.  In other words in all circumstances we can live a worthy life in the Lord.
Paul’s philosophy:  to live is Christ and to die is gain.  Yet many of us live the other way round, to live is to gain and to die then we want Christ.  We should ponder upon our attitude of living.