讀經分享以賽亞書四十四章 1-5節 ( Isaiah 44 : 1-5 )

以賽亞書四十四章1-5節                  神的小僕人
1 我的僕人雅各,我所揀選的以色列阿,現在你當聽。
2 造作你,又從你出胎造就你,並要幫助你的耶和華如此說:我的僕人雅各,我所揀選的耶書崙哪,不要害怕。
3 因為我要將水澆灌口渴的人,將河澆灌乾旱之地,我要將我的靈澆灌你的後裔,將我的福澆灌你的子孫。
4 他們要發生在草中,像溪水旁的柳樹。
5 這個要說:我是屬耶和華的,那個要以雅各的名自稱,又一個要親手寫歸耶和華的,〔或作在手上寫歸耶和華〕並自稱為以色列。
Isaiah 44:1-5
As chosen people we are the children of God and we have the blessings of protection and care of God.  Yet do we have the reality as God’s children?  Do we live like the children of God that can witness our Saviour? Isaiah says about a sign “the Lord’s”.  Do we have it?
As children of God our ways of living is our signs and witness.  May we not only receive blessings from the Lord but live to witness Him.