15 因此,我既聽見你們信從主耶穌,親愛眾聖徒,
16 就為你們不住地感謝神。禱告的時候,常提到你們,
17 求我們主耶穌基督的神,榮耀的父,
18 並且照明你們心中的眼睛,使你們知道他的恩召有何等指望,
19 並知道他向我們這信的人所顯的能力是何等浩大,
20 就是照他在基督身上所運行的大能大力,使他從死裏復活,
21 遠超過一切執政的、掌權的、有能的、主治的,和一切有名的;
22 又將萬有服在他的腳下,使他為教會作萬有之首。
23 教會是他的身體,是那充滿萬有者所充滿的。
Ephesians 1:15-23
To know God, we need to open our heart to receive the Truth and instructions. Or else we can never retain the teaching and commandments of the Lord, as Paul taught the Ephesians. Jesus is the head of the church, in Him is all power, glory and provision and He reigns. Unfortunately many of us still bring along our self-centredness to the body of Christ, causing many problems.
To revive the fullness and power of God, we need open attitude, listening ears and humble hearts to understand and to truthfully follow.
Perhaps we are asked why we have to go to church. This is the place where we learn to humbly obey the Lord.