讀經分享路加福音二十二章39-46節( Luke 22:39-46 )

路加福音二十二章39-46節              神的小僕人
39 耶穌出來,照常往橄欖山去,門徒也跟隨他。
40 到了那地方,就對他們說:你們要禱告,免得入了迷惑。
41 於是離開他們,約有扔一塊石頭那麼遠,跪下禱告,
42 說:父阿,你若願意,就把這杯撤去,然而不要成就我意思,只要成就你的意思。
43 有一位天使從天上顯現,加添他的力量。
44 耶穌極其傷痛,禱告更加懇切,汗珠如大血點,滴在地上。
45 禱告完了,就起來,到門徒那裡,見他們因為憂愁都睡著了。
46 就對他們說:你們為甚麼睡覺呢?起來禱告,免得入了迷惑。
Luke 22:39-46
To say : just follow your way, not mine, is almost like impossible in the modern world.  People love to act according to their own mind and thoughts. Believers, as followers of Christ are to learn to give up their ways and submit the way of the Lord.
To deny our ways does not mean we don’t have any standing.  Instead it is a conscious act to follow God, trusting He knows the best.  May we all submit to Him: yes Your way, not mine.