讀經分享馬太福音十三章53-57 節( Matthew 13 : 53-57)

馬太福音十三章53-58節             神的小僕人
53 耶穌說完了這些比喻,就離開那裡,
54 來到自己的家鄉,在會堂裡教訓人,甚至他們都希奇,說:這人從哪裡有這等智慧和異能呢?
55 這不是木匠的兒子嗎?他母親不是叫馬利亞嗎?他弟兄們不是叫雅各,約西,〔有古卷作約瑟〕西門,猶大嗎?
56 他妹妹們不是都在我們這裡嗎?這人從那裡有這一切的事呢?
57 他們就厭棄他。〔厭棄他原文作因他跌倒〕耶穌對他們說:大凡先知,除了本地本家之外,沒有不被人尊敬的。
58 耶穌因為他們不信,就在那裡不多行異能了。
Matthew 13:53-57
Jesus is being doubted by the people of his hometown, Nazareth.  They saw Jesus only as the son of Joseph, a carpenter .  They couldn’t see him as the son of God.
There are tunes we look down on people whom we grew up with.  Their upbringings and shortcomings have become our bias. On one hand we need to be careful in treating those who minister.  On the other hand those who minister can be encouraged as Jesus encountered the same in His hometown.
Let’s put our bias aside. Don’t focus on the appearance and the past of others.