讀經分享使徒行傳九章26-31節 ( Acts 9:26-31 )

使徒行傳九章26-31節             神的小僕人
26 掃羅到了耶路撒冷,想與門徒結交,他們卻都怕他,不信他是門徒。
27 惟有巴拿巴接待他,領去見使徒,把他在路上怎麼看見主,主怎麼向他說話,他在大馬色,怎麼奉耶穌的名放膽傳道,都述說出來。
28 於是掃羅在耶路撒冷,和門徒出入來往,
29 奉主的名,放膽傳道,並與說希利尼話的猶太人,講論辯駁,他們卻想法子要殺他。
30 弟兄們知道了就送他下該撒利亞,打發他往大數去。
31 那時猶太,加利利,撒瑪利亞,各處的教會都得平安,被建立,凡事敬畏主,蒙聖靈的安慰,人數就增多了。
Acts 9:26-31
How will a church grow and how do believers mature in Christ?  Only when we learn to fear God and to be encouraged by the Holy Spirit.  We will then deepen our relationship with God.
Church in  the first century grew despite of persecution.  They received the blessings from God through their trust and compliance.  How Barnabas accepted Saul and brought him to ministry was the greatest example of true fellowship and love.  It demonstrated the sweetness of Christian fellowship.