讀經分享猶大書一章24-25節( Jude 1:24-25)

猶大書一章24-25節                 神的小僕人
24 那能保守你們不失腳,叫你們無瑕無疵,歡歡喜喜站在他榮耀之前的,我們的救主獨一的神,
25 願榮耀,威嚴,能力,權柄,因我們的主耶穌基督,歸與他,從萬古以前,並現今,直到永永遠遠。阿們。
Jude 1:24-25
We stumble all the time.  We are tempted and distracted with worldly attractions.  We turn away from God so easily and if it  is not through the glorious presence and enabling of God, we will all fall.  Our greed, fear, worry and weaknesses cause us to fall away from the Truth.
Thank You Father for supporting us.  We can only follow Him and stand firm, only with Your help.